Confirmation is a rite of passage for our young people who are transitioning from childhood to adolescence to adulthood. Many Christians are baptized as babies. Their parents make the decision to have them baptized and promise to raise them in the faith through the church. When being confirmed, a young person affirms their own baptism. They are saying yes to continuing in the faith of Jesus Christ.
At MPLC a child begins our 3-year confirmation program when they enter 6th grade. Typically, students are confirmed in the fall of their 9th grade year.
Worship Attendance
Regular in person worship attendance is expected for all confirmation students and their families.
Worship Response Forms help ensure that the student is understanding and integrating worship into their lives.
Service Connections
Service connections can be a service project with the church, in the community, through school, etc. It must be hands-on service for at least 1 hour.
When they complete a service project, students submit an online form.
Each year the congregation hosts an all-class service project.
Wednesday Confirmation Instruction
Confirmation instruction is held on Wednesday evenings during 2 or 3 short sessions over the school year. If a student misses a class, it is expected that they will watch the lesson online to make up the missed class.
Confirmation Camp
The summer after they complete the 7th OR 8th grade, confirmands attend Lutherdale Bible Camp for a week of Confirmation Camp. Camp week this year is June 15-20, 2025.
Current Confirmands
Forms & Info
Confirmation Schedule and Expectations
Please see below for our 2024/2025 schedule and expectations
Missed a class?
Missed a class, or worship service? Watch online today!
Upcoming Youth Events
- Sun, Sep 08Mount Pleasant Lutheran Church
- Multiple DatesSunday SchoolSun, May 12Mount Pleasant Lutheran Church
- Multiple DatesConfirmationWed, Apr 17Mount Pleasant Lutheran Church
- Sat, Jan 20Mount Pleasant Lutheran Church
- Sun, Dec 17Mount Pleasant Lutheran Church
- Wed, Nov 15Mount Pleasant Lutheran Church
- Wed, Sep 27Mount Pleasant Lutheran Church
- Sun, Sep 24Mount Pleasant Lutheran Church
- Wed, Sep 13Mount Pleasant Lutheran Church
- Tue, Aug 29Mount Pleasant Lutheran Church
- Sun, Aug 13Pritchard Park
- Sun, Jul 23MPLC - Sanctuary